Alien 5 by Ridley Scott after Predators

Alien 5 by Ridley Scott after Predators

If Predators have their own movie by Robert Rodriguez in 2010, why should Aliens have their own movie (expected in 2011) by Ridley Scott?

It is not enough that one of the most respected of the cinema world alien races already fell for a remake, now it seems that other species (alien) was taken in the viewfinder.

At premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, who stayed there from IESBA Tom Rothman of 20th Century Fox, put him at corner and they took questions about the future of the franchise with xenomorfi alien - Alien 5.

"Talk about a prequel to Alien and even Ridley Scott is still thinking how could revisit this franchise with a story to be placed before the first movie." Said Tom Rothman for IESBA.

The problem is that Ridley Scott, who directs Robin Hood now has 71 years and is already involved in another 1000 film projects (including Monopoly, a film about the Gucci and the A-Team).

Even if you expect a new Alien (Alien 5), Scott rhythms that start to make their movies, the prequels are still in the state of cryogenic sleep that is on planet LV-426, until someone without experience will be a new movie deal that will ruin all franchises.

Scott was playing with the nerves of fans with the idea of a remake of Alien and the Alien. Prequel, reboot. We do not know any better.

Just as people learned to Bloody disgusting Michael Costigan, Scott and Tony Scott will produce even new Alien movie series, which already has a director attached.

Carl Erik Rinsch is a member of the company's production Scott, RSA. Still not been given details of the story, but the words "revitalization" and "remakes" are the two keywords that revolves around this project. It is rumored that the idea for this new film Alien 5 alien ship is returning to the beginning of the first film.

At the end because I like to present the trailer for Robert Rodriguez movie:

Written by : Duneman Day: 9:09 AM Category:


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